Saturday, January 3, 2009

IKEA Cincinnati Outlet: Disoriented in the Land of Value

Confusion sets in early when you enter the IKEA store just past the Cincinnati outerbelt on I-75. There are no carts available when you walk in, but you see people checking out and taking giant palates of furniture out to the parking lot. There's a kid check in counter where children are registered (or something) and then lead into some kind of distraction center so their parents can go gorge on sleek, simple, reasonably priced furniture. After stumbling around aimlessly for five minutes, I'm hearded onto an escallator and lead into the vast second story showroom with prearranged rooms available for sale.

It's real big. They sell meatballs.

You pass by furniture that you see in magazines with retail prices in the thousands, on sale for small fractions of that.

Other findings:
- The showroom is set up like a very clean and well organized haunted house. There are no ailes. The buddy system is essential.
- There was an announcement on the loudspeaker that from now until January 19, there is all you can eat pasta pomodora for $1.99(!)
-Free twine is available to customers. Its intended uses are not implied.

That's IKEA in a nutshell. We got an easy-to-assemble bookshelf and a frying pan for $2.

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