Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fountain of Youth

Well not really. But I did figure out how to make scented candles last just about forever.

If you are like me you hate how the cheap scented candles burn out after a day or so. They obviously use a poor quality wick because you always end up with a bunch of wax and no wick. F them. I wanted to use this wax because I am a cheapo, so I would turn the oven on and let it melt. The scent still fills up the room, so I considered that successful. That took too much energy, though.

Do you have any of these lying around?

Good. If not, they are cheap as hell. Now, all you have to do is figure out a way to prop the candle up. I used two zippo lighters.

Throw the scented candle on top and there you go! Just make sure to remove any of the stickers from the bottom. They stink.

I've had this little guy going for a week now. The wax itself does not burn, so you are only fighting evaporation. I measured and only a millimeter or so has disappeared. According to my calculations, that is one giant middle finger to candle planned obsolescence.

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