Monday, February 2, 2009

Nothing to do; Too much to do

I've found that the more ish I have to do, the more things I get done and, naturally, the fewer amount of things I have to get done the less I get done. This seems pretty obvious on the surface but I detected there was more to this so I decided to look into it further in a more scientific way. I ran a double blind study to test this hypothesis and the results were astoundingly incredible.

The experiment consisted of 72 compensated participants. The participants were split into four evenly divided groups. The first group, called Group 1, was the control and they were given no ish to do. The second group, called Group 2, was given a little ish to do. The third group, called Group Taco, was given a medium amount of ish to do. The last group, called Group 4, was given a lot of ish to do. Next, I had the participants track the amount of ish they got done relative to the amount of ish they were given.

Group 1 was the most surprising of all groups as they completed 8% of their ish.
Group 2 completed only 5% of their ish.
Group Taco completed 60% of their ish.
Group 4 completed 89% of their ish.

This should put to rest the debate of whether or not one gets more ish done when compared to how much said person has to do.

Prove Me Wrong,

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